Becoming a volunteer at the rescue has been a dream come true. I never ever imagined I would be able to help take care of these amazing creatures. It's a labor of love, and I love every minute of it.

Angela J.


Volunteer At OPAR

We’re so excited you are interested in learning about camelids, farms and rescues. We are a non-profit that relies on a volunteer base. Choose a regular weekly schedule, or assist where you can, or help out on special occasions. All of our volunteers become part of our family.

If you are interested in training, come on a Saturday from 10:30AM - 2PM.


  • Providing water and feeding grain/hay to animals

  • Clean pastures and stalls

  • Special projects like installing fencing, building shelters, winterizing, stacking hay.

  • Assist with medical needs

What you need to work onsite:

  • Wear boots (rain or muck are best).

  • Prepare for cold & wet temps with layers.

  • Some people like gloves (gardening or work type).

  • Bring a snack and water bottle.

  • Sunscreen and/or hat is recommended.


  • Website Updates

  • Develop a donor database

  • Develop communication touch points with donors

  • Develop marketing materials

  • Social Media

  • Grant Research Database

  • Adoption follow-up's

  • Be a representative or help us coordinate community events and fundraisers.

  • Distribute flyers, join our board meetings.

  • Do you have a special talent you’re like to offer?

Thoughts and Considerations:

  • Families are welcome. 8+ year olds are allowed to independently work on the farm. Under 8 need to be directly supervised by a parent.

  • You’re welcome to bring treats for the alpacas and llamas if you want, totally not required.

  • Apples cut up and baby carrots and bananas are favorites.

  • Prepare for clean-up afterwards: what works for us...we keep a tote in our car for our gear and put boots in plastic bags (grocery or kitchen garbage) to help keep things tidy. We also keep wet wipes, paper towels and hand sanitizer for clean-up after in our tote.

  • There is a port-a-potty onsite.